The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging us in ways we could never have imagined, from unprecedented amounts of family time to homeschooling to working remotely—or not working at all. These sudden, rapid changes in the way we live, coupled with uncertainty, can feel overwhelming. While we may know that it’s helpful for everyone to stay positive, it’s sometimes easier said than done. Here are some suggestions for uplifting your outlook:

Remember it will not be this way forever. This is a difficult time, but it is just that — a time.

Recognize what you are doing well and give yourself credit.
 It may be tough right now, but you have managed some things really well. Think about the physical, logistical, mental, and emotional struggles you may have encountered in the last few months, and the good—even great—way you approached and handled those challenges.


Positive thinking, is the practice of focusing on the good in any given situation. It can have a big impact on your physical and mental health.

That doesn’t mean you ignore reality or make light of problems. It simply means you approach the good and the bad in life with the expectation that things will go well.


Many studies have looked at the role of positive thinking in mental and physical health. It’s not always clear which comes first: the mindset or these benefits. But there is no downside to staying upbeat.

Some physical benefits may include:

  • Longer life span
  • Lower chance of having a heart attack
  • Better physical health
  • Greater resistance to illness such as the common cold
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Better stress management
  • Better pain tolerance

The mental benefits may include:

  • More creativity
  • Greater problem-solving skill
  • Clearer thinking
  • Better mood
  • Better coping skills
  • Less depression

How you apply positive thinking

Changing everything you’ve learned in a life is not easy, imposing a positive thinking starting today thinking that that this will attract positive things in your life is not that simple. To change these negative patterns I recommend these exercises and practices. For me and the people I have chosen in my life works!

1. Use positive words when talking. If you constantly say “I can not” you could convince yourself that it’s true. Replace negative words with positive ones. Tell yourself that you do everything possible to have a happy relationship, tell yourself that you do everything possible to have a brilliant career, tell yourself that you do everything possible to keep you in shape.

2. Remove all the feelings that are not positive! Do not let negative thoughts and feelings conquer when you have a bad mood. Even if for a few hours a day, remove negativity and focus on the positive things in your life.

3. Use words that evoke strength and success. Fill your thoughts with words that make you feel strong, happy, having control over your life. Make an effort to focus on these words rather than the ones that suggest failure or incompetence.

4. Practice positive affirmations. One of the most common exercises for a positive thinking is positive affirmation. What does that mean? Start repeating a positive phrase like “I deserve to be happy” or “I deserve to be loved.” Believing that these statements are true and repeating them always will impose a more positive opinion about your life.

5. Redirect your thoughts! This method used by psychotherapists helps you control your thoughts when you start to feel negative emotions like depression or anxiety. How can you do that? When you feel a such emotion taking hold on you start generating a happy mind, a positive image, something that makes you feel better to keep your negative feelings under control.

6. Start thinking you will succeed! Nothing compares with self confidence that creates a successful reality. Put your doubts aside and believe that you will succeed in meeting the objectives.

7. Analyze what went wrong. Positive thinking is not about denying that nothing can go wrong. Instead take the time to see what went wrong and what led to the current situation in order to avoid future mistakes and look forward more positive.

8. Forgive you! ‘re Always arguing for things that went wrong will not change anything. Tell yourself you are forgive and allow you to move on.

9. Think of a failure as an opportunity. Sometimes the most negative things in our lives give us opportunities that we may not have seen otherwise. For example losing your job can be a good opportunity to open your own business or go back to school!

10. Working at your imagination / visualization. Visualizing what you want to achieve or the person you want to be can be a great motivation to take you there and make you think more positively


1. Limit your media intake

Sure we still need to take in the appropriate government guidance regarding what steps to take next but it’s seriously damaging to our mental health and mood to be absorbing unnecessary amounts of negative and low energy conversation. There’s a heavy amount of fear circling at the moment and it’s very hard to not get caught up in. Fear will not change the situation, it will weaken your fight against the situation. Protect yourself as much as you can from conversations, environments and technology that will engulf you in these frequencies.

Being completely absorbed in the media during this time will do you no good. There are very few people that can spend hours and hours in front of negativity without feeling the impact. If you’re feeling a little low in mood, limit your media intake to 10-15 minutes at the end of the day to get the updates and please, continue with your day.

2. Use this time for self care.

This is possibly the biggest silver lining that I see in this whole situation. Our day-to-day distractions have mostly now been removed (self quarantine life) and we are being encouraged to look a little closer to home to keep ourselves afloat, mentally and emotionally. Self care and habits like meditation are often pushed to the side in our busy lives but now I truly believe the universe is asking us to do this work.


3. Take responsibility for speaking and sharing positively to your peers.

It’s all so easy to say that our individual contribution doesn’t have an impact, but this virus is evidence that we are all in this together and our efforts individually and collectively go a long way.

Let’s focus on the positives as much as we can. Share posts, captions and comments that are positive. Positive attracts positive. Let’s spread it. Positive thoughts and emotions are known to increase your immune system, also giving you an increased power in overcoming the virus should it come your way.

4. Cherish time with the people around you and deepen connections.

Whether you’re back at home quarantining with family, living with friends, your dog or all by yourself, deepen those connections. Ask questions you never ask. Ask how this time is affecting you and them and pull together with whoever and whatever you have.

I for one usually have a very busy life and my time with friends and family has increased significantly since this Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic started. Would I have said no to this much work and got to spend this much time with them otherwise? Most likely not…

6. Look after your immunity and stick to the rules, knowing that’s the best you can do.

Staying well during isolation- what can I do? 

Our behaviors influence how we think and  interpret situations but also how we can feel (physically and emotionally). With the country or state in lock down and  lots of people in isolation, the things we usually do have changed considerably and some of us may have a  completely new daily routine… or lack of routine to deal with. Have you thought about how this might change  how you think and feel or have you already seen a difference? Have you thought about what you could do to  help yourself? See below for an example: 


As you can see in the cycle above, all the areas are connected and influence each other. It’s understandable to  feel worried about what’s going on and even a little upset that you can’t do as much as you usually would. Things,  for a time are going to be restricted. However, it’s really important that at this time we focus more on the things  that we can still do, rather than those things that we can’t.  


So what can you do? 

A tried and tested technique to help keep your motivation and mood lifted is to keep a weekly planner which  includes routine, necessary and enjoyable activities for yourself. So in this sense, you can follow a plan and not your mood. Staying engaged in a routine and with activities will keep those “feel good” chemicals in your brain  flowing which help to naturally lift your mood and will also create opportunities for positive experiences for  yourself. Planning activities can help to create a sense of achievement, purpose and even closeness with those  around you.  

Putting it into practice… 

To begin the process we start by making a list of activities in our life that we both need and want to do. It’s really  important at this stage to focus on what is still possible for you. Of course it’s disappointing and frustrating that  places we love to visit are closed and we don’t have the same freedoms as we are used to. It may be helpful to  write at the top of your planner ‘this is temporary’ or even design a planner of things that you plan to do once  the restrictions have been lifted. But for now, focus only on the things within your control and within your  capabilities.  


Things that you would do as part of your day  to day life. May include things like washing  up, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping,  tidying, exercising.


These could overlap with routine tasks but  can usually be differentiated due to being  time sensitive. Include things like paying bills,  attending appointments, going to work.


Things that you do for fun. Activities that  bring you joy, have value to them, give you a  sense of purpose or help you to blow off  steam. 


Making a plan 

Once you’ve got your list of activities it’s time to start making a plan of when you’re going to do these. As we  mentioned earlier, the reason why we make plans is because we’re much more likely to stick with a concrete  commitment than if we’re following the lead of our mood


How is this going to keep me feeling good? 

As we saw earlier, avoiding activities can cause us to fall into a cycle where we feel low, lose our motivation and  energy, think badly of ourselves and find it hard to do the things we usually enjoy or need to do. When we stick  to a routine and engage in a balance of necessary and fun activities- even if we don’t feel like doing them at the  start- we break ourselves out of this cycle of low mood and start a cycle of good mood.



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