The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging us in ways we could never have imagined, from unprecedented amounts of family time to homeschooling to working remotely—or not working at all. These sudden, rapid changes in the way we live, coupled with uncertainty, can feel overwhelming. While we may know that it’s helpful for everyone to stay positive, it’s sometimes easier said than done. Here are some suggestions for uplifting your outlook:

Remember it will not be this way forever. This is a difficult time, but it is just that — a time.

Recognize what you are doing well and give yourself credit.
 It may be tough right now, but you have managed some things really well. Think about the physical, logistical, mental, and emotional struggles you may have encountered in the last few months, and the good—even great—way you approached and handled those challenges.


Positive thinking, is the practice of focusing on the good in any given situation. It can have a big impact on your physical and mental health.

That doesn’t mean you ignore reality or make light of problems. It simply means you approach the good and the bad in life with the expectation that things will go well.


Many studies have looked at the role of positive thinking in mental and physical health. It’s not always clear which comes first: the mindset or these benefits. But there is no downside to staying upbeat.

Some physical benefits may include:

  • Longer life span
  • Lower chance of having a heart attack
  • Better physical health
  • Greater resistance to illness such as the common cold
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Better stress management
  • Better pain tolerance

The mental benefits may include:

  • More creativity
  • Greater problem-solving skill
  • Clearer thinking
  • Better mood
  • Better coping skills
  • Less depression

How you apply positive thinking

Changing everything you’ve learned in a life is not easy, imposing a positive thinking starting today thinking that that this will attract positive things in your life is not that simple. To change these negative patterns I recommend these exercises and practices. For me and the people I have chosen in my life works!

1. Use positive words when talking. If you constantly say “I can not” you could convince yourself that it’s true. Replace negative words with positive ones. Tell yourself that you do everything possible to have a happy relationship, tell yourself that you do everything possible to have a brilliant career, tell yourself that you do everything possible to keep you in shape.

2. Remove all the feelings that are not positive! Do not let negative thoughts and feelings conquer when you have a bad mood. Even if for a few hours a day, remove negativity and focus on the positive things in your life.

3. Use words that evoke strength and success. Fill your thoughts with words that make you feel strong, happy, having control over your life. Make an effort to focus on these words rather than the ones that suggest failure or incompetence.

4. Practice positive affirmations. One of the most common exercises for a positive thinking is positive affirmation. What does that mean? Start repeating a positive phrase like “I deserve to be happy” or “I deserve to be loved.” Believing that these statements are true and repeating them always will impose a more positive opinion about your life.

5. Redirect your thoughts! This method used by psychotherapists helps you control your thoughts when you start to feel negative emotions like depression or anxiety. How can you do that? When you feel a such emotion taking hold on you start generating a happy mind, a positive image, something that makes you feel better to keep your negative feelings under control.

6. Start thinking you will succeed! Nothing compares with self confidence that creates a successful reality. Put your doubts aside and believe that you will succeed in meeting the objectives.

7. Analyze what went wrong. Positive thinking is not about denying that nothing can go wrong. Instead take the time to see what went wrong and what led to the current situation in order to avoid future mistakes and look forward more positive.

8. Forgive you! ‘re Always arguing for things that went wrong will not change anything. Tell yourself you are forgive and allow you to move on.

9. Think of a failure as an opportunity. Sometimes the most negative things in our lives give us opportunities that we may not have seen otherwise. For example losing your job can be a good opportunity to open your own business or go back to school!

10. Working at your imagination / visualization. Visualizing what you want to achieve or the person you want to be can be a great motivation to take you there and make you think more positively


1. Limit your media intake

Sure we still need to take in the appropriate government guidance regarding what steps to take next but it’s seriously damaging to our mental health and mood to be absorbing unnecessary amounts of negative and low energy conversation. There’s a heavy amount of fear circling at the moment and it’s very hard to not get caught up in. Fear will not change the situation, it will weaken your fight against the situation. Protect yourself as much as you can from conversations, environments and technology that will engulf you in these frequencies.

Being completely absorbed in the media during this time will do you no good. There are very few people that can spend hours and hours in front of negativity without feeling the impact. If you’re feeling a little low in mood, limit your media intake to 10-15 minutes at the end of the day to get the updates and please, continue with your day.

2. Use this time for self care.

This is possibly the biggest silver lining that I see in this whole situation. Our day-to-day distractions have mostly now been removed (self quarantine life) and we are being encouraged to look a little closer to home to keep ourselves afloat, mentally and emotionally. Self care and habits like meditation are often pushed to the side in our busy lives but now I truly believe the universe is asking us to do this work.


3. Take responsibility for speaking and sharing positively to your peers.

It’s all so easy to say that our individual contribution doesn’t have an impact, but this virus is evidence that we are all in this together and our efforts individually and collectively go a long way.

Let’s focus on the positives as much as we can. Share posts, captions and comments that are positive. Positive attracts positive. Let’s spread it. Positive thoughts and emotions are known to increase your immune system, also giving you an increased power in overcoming the virus should it come your way.

4. Cherish time with the people around you and deepen connections.

Whether you’re back at home quarantining with family, living with friends, your dog or all by yourself, deepen those connections. Ask questions you never ask. Ask how this time is affecting you and them and pull together with whoever and whatever you have.

I for one usually have a very busy life and my time with friends and family has increased significantly since this Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic started. Would I have said no to this much work and got to spend this much time with them otherwise? Most likely not…

6. Look after your immunity and stick to the rules, knowing that’s the best you can do.

Staying well during isolation- what can I do? 

Our behaviors influence how we think and  interpret situations but also how we can feel (physically and emotionally). With the country or state in lock down and  lots of people in isolation, the things we usually do have changed considerably and some of us may have a  completely new daily routine… or lack of routine to deal with. Have you thought about how this might change  how you think and feel or have you already seen a difference? Have you thought about what you could do to  help yourself? See below for an example: 


As you can see in the cycle above, all the areas are connected and influence each other. It’s understandable to  feel worried about what’s going on and even a little upset that you can’t do as much as you usually would. Things,  for a time are going to be restricted. However, it’s really important that at this time we focus more on the things  that we can still do, rather than those things that we can’t.  


So what can you do? 

A tried and tested technique to help keep your motivation and mood lifted is to keep a weekly planner which  includes routine, necessary and enjoyable activities for yourself. So in this sense, you can follow a plan and not your mood. Staying engaged in a routine and with activities will keep those “feel good” chemicals in your brain  flowing which help to naturally lift your mood and will also create opportunities for positive experiences for  yourself. Planning activities can help to create a sense of achievement, purpose and even closeness with those  around you.  

Putting it into practice… 

To begin the process we start by making a list of activities in our life that we both need and want to do. It’s really  important at this stage to focus on what is still possible for you. Of course it’s disappointing and frustrating that  places we love to visit are closed and we don’t have the same freedoms as we are used to. It may be helpful to  write at the top of your planner ‘this is temporary’ or even design a planner of things that you plan to do once  the restrictions have been lifted. But for now, focus only on the things within your control and within your  capabilities.  


Things that you would do as part of your day  to day life. May include things like washing  up, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping,  tidying, exercising.


These could overlap with routine tasks but  can usually be differentiated due to being  time sensitive. Include things like paying bills,  attending appointments, going to work.


Things that you do for fun. Activities that  bring you joy, have value to them, give you a  sense of purpose or help you to blow off  steam. 


Making a plan 

Once you’ve got your list of activities it’s time to start making a plan of when you’re going to do these. As we  mentioned earlier, the reason why we make plans is because we’re much more likely to stick with a concrete  commitment than if we’re following the lead of our mood


How is this going to keep me feeling good? 

As we saw earlier, avoiding activities can cause us to fall into a cycle where we feel low, lose our motivation and  energy, think badly of ourselves and find it hard to do the things we usually enjoy or need to do. When we stick  to a routine and engage in a balance of necessary and fun activities- even if we don’t feel like doing them at the  start- we break ourselves out of this cycle of low mood and start a cycle of good mood.



What is India Landing and Overflight Permit (Flight Permit)

Flight Permit means any permit required by any airport or governmental authorities to perform the relevant Flight, mainly with regard to transportation rights and airport slots.

Each country has its own set of rules, regulations and procedures for permits to aircraft wishing for landing or even entering their air space, whether you’re operating a private, charter flight, scheduled or non-scheduled operation, passengers or cargo trip, a technical or traffic landing, Prior Permission is mandatory required the application procedures requiring complete flight information and Aircraft documents.

According to India CAA AIP any aircraft owner/operator wants to fly in India airspace request has to submit for India overflight clearance to air transport department at least 24 working hours prior from flight departure schedule. 

Required Details for Obtaining India Permit

1 - Complete Flight Schedule
2 - Entry / Exit Points with ATC Route

3- Crew Gendec

4 - Lead Passenger Details or Passenger manifest (Only for Passenger flight)
5 - Consignee & Consigner Details for Cargo Flights
6 - Aircraft Documents [ AOC, COA, COI, CON, COR]

India landing and overflight permit requirements

As per India CAA (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) All aircraft traveling to India require landing permits, regardless of the type of flight. Permit lead time is 3 (72 hrs)  business days for landing at destination stops and 1 (24 hrs) business day for overflight or technical stops, including fuel uplift and crew rest. 

Please make a note that if you’re arriving from a Prior Reference Country (PRC) — such as China, Iran, Irag, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan — landing permits take seven business days  and overflight permits require three business days to process.

In cases of air ambulance operations, lead times may range from three to four hours during business hours and six to seven hours during nights/weekends/holidays. Air ambulance operators must provide some details such as the name of the patient, the hospital where the patient will be treated (or is coming from), as well as the name of the doctor treating the patient.

Permit requirements

Information and documentation requirements are the same for private non-revenue and charter (non-scheduled commercial) flights. The only difference is that private non-revenue flights may have no more than 14 passengers onboard while charter operations do not have this limitation. However, if the number of passengers onboard a charter operation exceeds 14, a special clearance from the Ministry of Tourism is needed to operate as it’s considered a tourist charter flight. Operators must provide complete aircraft information and schedule—together with full passenger/crew details including passport numbers, expiration dates and visa information and the flight routing. If a passenger does not have a required visa you’ll need to let DGCA know that it’s been applied for and that details will be provided later. As cabotage remains a large issue in India, DGCA needs to know accurate passenger count for each leg. On day of operation, air traffic control (ATC) will check that the passenger/crew counts match what was approved on the permit. If there’s a discrepancy your flight plan will not be accepted, and both pilot in command and the ground handler will need to communicate with ATC to clear the situation.

Permit related charges

DGCA does not charge a fee for landing or overflight permits. Your ground handler or representative, however, usually invoices a permit facilitation fee. Navigation charges for overflying India are billed to operators at a later date. However, if you overfly and land in India, you’ll need to settle navigation charges at the airport, and the ground handler can assist you with this.

Who Will Issue India Overflight Permits :

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Indian

Postal Address : Directorate General of Civil Aviation DGCA Complex Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi, India


If you have any questions about this article or would like assistance planning your next trip to India, contact  at f4sops@gmail.com.


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Disclaimer - This is only for informative and entertainment purpose

Hi Guys, Welcome you all,  I am Sanjay Kumar, an Experienced Airlines and Aviation Expert for more then 16+ years. I am also a YouTuber and Blogger of TICKET2RESEARCH.  I love to making video and writing on the different topic related to Aviation, Airlines, Tours & Travels means all about tourism industry

Sanjay Kumar


The famous destinations you should visit in year 2022

The year 2021 was an awful one for loads of reasons, yet the close complete closure of global travel was absolutely one of them. Numerous nations shut their lines. Continually changing travel limitations made arranging close inconceivable. We didn't know that it was so protected to fly or remain in a lodging. Furthermore, regardless, neighborhood flare-ups and wellbeing estimates caused travel in numerous pieces of the world to feel either unsafe or… all things considered, simply not so fun. 
We're trusting that is all going to change this year. The worldwide immunization rollout vows to resume borders, loosen up rules and relieve probably a portion of our tensions. Honestly, you're presumably urgent to get out there once more. (We certainly are.) 
All in all, accepting things do get back to something like ordinary, there's only one inquiry: where to travel first? 
Here are our ideas: a rundown of staggering objections that have the right to highlight vigorously in your 2022 plans. Possibly you're searching for a list of must-dos excursion to truly compensate for not having the option to go in 2021, or considering plunging a toe once more into city breaks. Maybe you're frantic for experience and new landscape subsequent to being cooped up at home, or simply need to move as distant from people as could be expected. 
Whatever you're after in an extraordinary 2022 travel objective, we have you. Simply try to watch out for our consistently refreshed rundown of objections tolerating explorers at the present time, and may the street ascend to meet you.


We wished we might have gone for longer all over Myanmar. This is a country where a spending plan of USD 35 every day (*on normal) got us private extensive rooms with large beds in inns like Baobabed Inle Lake, mixed drinks on roof bars in Yangon and private tuk-tuk visits in the sanctuaries of Bagan. 

Landscape in Myanmar is really dazzling, and we didn't see the portion of it in light of the fact that the nation is so large. We adhered to the triangle of significant voyager objections and discovered bunches of security, solace and kind disposition from local people.

Medellin and Guatape, Colombia

There are such countless activities in Medellin and its adjoining town Guatape that make them brilliant objections for any season. 

Medellin is known as having 'interminable spring,' which means it's marginally cooler in Northern Hemisphere winter time, and somewhat hotter in summer. With respect to precipitation, it's marginally "lower" in fall (September - December), at the same time, as it rains generally consistently in any case, all year long is a reasonable chance to visit Medellin and the encompassing locale. 

Notwithstanding what you may have heard, Medellin is an amazing spot to be as an explorer, from stores of sorts of convenience for each spending plan, to flavorful food alternatives going from Colombian to different kinds of South American for each taste bud. You can eat extraordinary early, late and at reasonable costs. One of our #1 activities is to attempt Colombian espresso at a portion of our number one bistros close to El Poblado and take the free city strolling visit. 

Concerning the remainder of the locale and to escape the city, two of our #1 end of the little while dawns are Guatape and Santa Fe de Antioquia. Guatape is not difficult to get to from Medellin and regardless of whether you don't communicate in Spanish, individuals will assist you with exploring the bus stop. 

Santa Clause Fe de Antioquia is additionally a basic transport ride away, and we suggest remaining in a lodging with a pool so you can chill from the all year warmth and sun!


It turns out to be a fascinating opportunity to visit Argentina, as the cash as of late got ideal for holders of the US Dollar. Argentina's peso has fallen unfortunately and unfathomably against the USD, giving Americans heaps of unforeseen purchasing power in this in any case somewhat expensive country for voyagers. 

Among some relaxed things we have done in Argentina are investigating the bistro scene in Buenos Aires and strolling for a significant distance absorbing loads of the free sights of the midtown zones and cool areas. 

In the event that you adventure toward the west toward Cordoba and the Sierra locale, you'll see that Cordoba, Argentina's "second city," has some remarkable activities that voyagers frequently ignore, and you can lease a vehicle to travel to unassuming communities with picturesque perspectives.

Porto, Portugal
We discovered Porto to be a totally magnificent spot to be in summer, with late nightfalls, extraordinary climate (more often than not) and agreeable local people. In summer, it's an extraordinary opportunity to cookout in Porto and watch the dusk close to Gaia, or stroll for quite a long time seeing the various areas and excellent tiled structures. 

As far as we might be concerned, the features of Porto were every one of the spots to see engineering, the popular bistros, the perspectives from Dom Luís I Bridge and the bumpy roads of Ribeira. Gracious, and remember the public creative fortunes everywhere on the São Bento Train Station. 

We cherished Porto and wished we had additional time during summer to investigate the nature not very far away. We proceeded to the capital city of Lisbon, simply a train ride away (book ahead of time without a doubt!).

Tenerife, Canary Islands
In returning to Spain, we had no clue about what's in store from Tenerife, a volcanic island acclaimed for Carnival and the most elevated point in the entirety of Spain, El Teide. Summer is an incredible chance to go, as precipitation is regularly most minimal during late spring months, and this will be a really extraordinary chance to go there and appreciate the nature! 

To arrive, we had a delay and speedy stop in Madrid that got our corroded Spanish back for the following not many days we'd have in the Canary Islands. In Tenerife, we invested some energy in the totally flawless and loosening up town of La Orotava, working our legs on the sloping roads. 

Tenerife has its own way of life that is comparable yet unique to that of terrain Spain. There are intriguing external impacts (like a complement affected by Cubans) and nearby food too. 

For a coliving experience, in case you're voyaging while at the same time working distantly or hoping to remain in a house among some accomplished explorers with an expert outlook, look at Nine Coliving, which was by a wide margin the best thing that happened to us in Tenerife! 

With additional time, you would island be able to jump to Gran Canaria, which merits a visit to see some marvelous sand rises in the south and the fabulous perspectives along the streets in the southwest.

Peru is a moderate objective for movement in the event that you avoid the advertised super-touristy way that has now become a pillar in 'miracles of the world' and lists of must-dos. Peru is substantially more than Machu Picchu, which has come to be such a list of must-dos thing that you'll discover long queues, exacting principles and groups. 

All in all, what to do in Peru, and for what reason would it be advisable for you to go there? Peru is huge, and therefore, it can't in any way, shape or form be all touristy. Get out to places like Arequipa, Iquitos, Mancora, Huaraz and Puno, on the off chance that you need to skip Cusco, with its more exorbitant costs intended for unfamiliar travelers. 

In Lima alone you can see real Peruvian-Chinese culture, a city park with rainbow wellsprings and piles of different activities in Lima on an unassuming spending like difficult ceviche, frozen yogurt produced using nearby leafy foods bars in Miraflores.

Tallinn, Estonia
The entirety of Tallinn, Estonia, resembled a major shock for us. This beguiling city appears best to appreciate during summer, when the sun sets as late as 10:45 pm! (And you better have blackout curtains, because it rises at 4 am in July!). 

Around the mid year solstice, Estonians (and different societies in the locale, from Finland to Latvia) praise the Midsummer Festival, which means individuals take off from work, go to invest some energy in the open country and gathering the entire evening (which is extremely short, in view of how little obscurity there is). 

In Tallinn, strolling around the minimal Old Town is an extraordinary method to see engineering, history and bunches of food, bars and bistros. We remained at Tallinn's most melodic lodging and discovered the city's best bistros for computerized migrants. 

What we likewise enjoyed about the Baltic locale, particularly in summer, is that it was simple (and beautiful!) to get from Estonia to Latvia. With the stops en route, we saw every one of the greens and different shades of Estonia (and the north of Latvia) that we presently couldn't seem to see since we hadn't left the Tallinn metro region.

Sri Lanka
All of Sri Lanka is affordable as a destination and all of Sri Lanka is good for all-year travel. We went in the middle of July, expecting rain showers or monsoons, but we got lucky, and you can, too! There are a few things to know about Sri Lanka, so it pays to see if this is a good place for you and your travel style.
Sri Lanka is an island near India and it’s a fascinating country where the people are peaceful and kind. It has lots of sub-climates, so it’s hot all year round on the coasts, and pretty moderate, to even chilly, in the center where the altitudes get higher. Because of Sri Lanka’s location, it has two rainy seasons - at one point in the year, the East has rain, and at one point, the West does.
Again, summer was a fine time to go to Sri Lanka (and winter is as well). During July, we experienced rain no more than twice, which was a miracle, and could happen randomly whenever.
We were amazed at how budget-friendly Sri Lanka is, from guesthouses to meals in restaurants to admission fees at cultural sights like temples and Buddhas. We did awesome things that taught us all about the country. We loved our visit to the Mackwoods Tea Plantation, which in summer, had a rather temperate climate (I needed a sweater as the sun got lower).
We also spent a half day in Galle Fort, which has a fascinating mix of cultures, from colonial influences to several religious groups all calling this place home.
Taipei, Taiwan
Taipei is one of our favorite new destinations, and although summer is high (and hot and humid) season, what’s interesting is that Taipei gets rain all year round. It can rain any day and sometimes unexpectedly, throughout the year, so considering summertime is a fine thing to do.
In the rest of Taiwan, you can find different climates as altitudes change, and what many tourists fail to do is to go hiking in the center of the country. This region is tons less touristed, and you could find yourself alone with nature.
As for Taipei, there’s so much culture to see, and we liked learning more about a history we had never been exposed to. For when you need a break from sun and humidity, there are lots of large shopping malls with huge food courts that have an array of Asian foods from all over the region. You can have Taiwanese cuisine, Mongolian BBQ, Japanese sushi and Korean kimbap, all in the same spot.
In Taipei, there are lots and lots of things you can do for free. We went to night markets (free entrance), famous memorials and their plazas like Chiang-Kai Shek Memorial and even the changing of the guard ceremony that happens daily and the many hikes that exist within the city (all free). To cool off, try Taipei’s best cafes with WiFi.
Mexico City, Mexico
We were unable to discover whatever we didn't adore about Mexico City, and for any individual who lives in the Northern Hemisphere, it's never excessively long of a flight. 

With stacks of activities Mexico City for each kind of voyager, Mexico City is a staggering spot to attempt loads of new food sources with a food visit, see the neighborhood markets, attempt a margarita (or three) at an assortment of bars (some on roofs) and cool off with a virus mix at any of the well known strength bistros. 

Voyagers like Mexico City for its worth. You can Airbnb inside your spending plan, and you can attempt new lodgings like Selina Mexico City, which likewise has a collaborating space and bar.

Vietnam is incredibly affordable, even as prices might rise in summer (high season). If you can book advance, you’ll probably do fine, as most major Vietnamese holidays fall in January-February, when prices go up and have surcharges due to the new year festivals.
Vietnam is where your Dollar (or Euro) will for sure go further, from eating out to accomodation at great value. For example, it’s hard to get bored in the capital city of Hanoi, with all these things to do.
You can drink Vietnamese espresso consistently at [awesome cafes], go on an outing to Ninh Binh or Sapa for the northern societies, and see an amazing measure of the country without burning up all available resources. 
While summer is known as being wetter, with precipitation on normal outperforming that of late spring a long time in Vietnam, this is when spots like the Sapa rice porches will be strikingly green, making for a unimaginable sight to see. In winter, similar area of moving slopes is dry and earthy colored due to absence of precipitation. Summer brings back the splendor and the new yields.
New York City, USA
Presently, we understand you're's opinion - isn't NYC unfathomably costly? The short answer is indeed, however the long answer is no. 

In the event that you realize what to do in NYC, you can make some phenomenal memories on a low spending plan. In case you're OK with skirting the "must-see" vacation spots that each book says you need to do, for example, the survey stage at the Empire State Building, the Top of the Rock, the MoMA and any kind of diversion (save it for some other time), you can have a spending plan in NYC of around USD 50 every day (in the event that you travel with a pal) or in the event that you stay in lodging residences. 

In case you're a voyaging computerized traveler, look at our number one PC cordial NYC bistros where you can invest energy in bistros with WiFi and here and there even a patio or two, and in case you're an espresso aficionado, we've effectively recorded our #1 bistros in Brooklyn, which make for an incredible method to wander into various regions … for espresso! 

A couple of hacks for going in NYC and not using up every last cent are our number one hints: 

Stay in an inn lodging like The Local, which books up quick, yet prepare! They have cooperating space, roof sees, a cool bistro bar with well disposed staff and perfect, calm shared rooms and privates. 

Avoid the paid attractions and select strolling unendingly through NYC's numerous areas like the beautiful and walkable Brooklyn Heights and ethnic territories. Look at Coney Island, Jackson Heights, Flushing Chinatown and Little Italy of the Bronx (Arthur Avenue) and 'pass' on those arrangements of hot eateries that 'each guest to NYC should visit.' 

Take the metro and transports, consistently. This is the most ideal approach to get around New York, and on the off chance that you pick a limitless week after week tram card, it'll pay for itself in a couple of days. 

On the off chance that you would prefer not to lodging, Airbnb in one of Brooklyn or Queens' peripheral areas and get a vibe what it resembles to remain outside Manhattan (the focal point, all things considered, obviously!). You'll track down the most reasonable Airbnb choices in Greenpoint, Williamsburg, Bed-Stuy, Ditmas and Forest Hills.

Laos is an assorted and frequently disregarded nation lining Thailand, China, Vietnam and Cambodia. Why go here? 

Laos is fascinating in light of the fact that it's landlocked, thus numerous voyagers show up via land through China, Thailand, or Vietnam. Indeed, what's there to do? 

The way that travel industry is more current in Laos than it is in Thailand makes Laos somewhat less found, similar as Myanmar. See Buddhist culture at its best in Luang Prbang, where you can likewise investigate perfect cascades and nature. See the stars and check night photography out around evening time in places like Vang Vieng, and investigate a city through its bistros in Vientiane. 

For the gutsy, there's the Plain of Jars (it's bizarre) and Phonsavan with its sanctuary ruins. In case you're not reluctant to get off the generally accepted way to go, while not spending a ton of your investment funds, attempt some time in Laos and you could be astonished at what this humble nation has to bring to the table its guests. 

You can remain in inns in Laos at costs as low as USD 4 every night for a quarters bed, contingent upon the city or town. Would you be able to beat that?


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Email: f4svservices@gmail.com


Disclaimer - This is only for informative and entertainment purpose

Hi Guys, Welcome you all,  I am Sanjay Kumar, an Experienced Airlines and Aviation Expert for more then 16+ years. I am also a YouTuber and Blogger of TICKET2RESEARCH.  I love to making video and writing on the different topic related to Aviation, Airlines, Tours & Travels   means all about tourism industry

Sanjay Kumar

Ground Handling Services / Tiruchirappalli Airport, VOTR airport, TRZ airport, India

Airport Information for VOTR airport, TRZ airport, Tiruchirappalli airport, India Airport Name: TRICHY INTL ICAO Code VOTR IATA Code TRZ Loc...